• Terms & Conditions
  • Third-Party Login
  • Profile Created
  • My Contact Info

How to Get Started

NLRB allows you to utilize an email account username/password that you already own (Google, Yahoo, AOL, LinkedIn or Outlook) to login to this service. If you do not possess an email account with one of these providers, you may click on one and continue to create a new account. Your third-party information is not accessed by NLRB and your NLRB information is not accessed by any third-party service.

Google Yahoo AOL LinkedIn Outlook

The Google, Yahoo, AOL, LinkedIn or Outlook email address you use to log in will not register that email address as your E-Service email address.

Although the NLRB allows you to use an email account that you already have with Google, Yahoo, AOL, LinkedIn or Outlook to log in to E-Service, the email address you use to log in is not “registered” as your email address for E-Service. Once you log in you will be taken to the “My Contact Info” page where you can enter whatever contact information you prefer to use. This includes whatever email address you would like to use for receiving emails from the NLRB. The log in information you enter here merely logs you in – it is not used as your contact information for the NLRB.